Monday, August 16, 2010

Shortcut nuisance

I started wondering what the bash (or rather libreadline with emacs key bindings) command was for deleting the next word (already making extensive use of ^u, ^w and the like).
bind -P| less is a big helper here, is also.

My revelation now was finally realising that few of the keystrokes work on mac the same way as usual because the option key is not meta; meta is provided escape. So instead of Alt+b i actually want Esc+b.

I now have several options all of which suck:

  • I can turn option into meta in the terminal app which will cause me to loose my Umlauts (I use a selfbuilt kind of US-Alt-Intl keyboard layout)
  • I can let it as it is but then i have to remember the press escape along every time (escape seems the only special key that does not autorepeat). Btw i use to make caps lock escape which really helps here and in vim.
  • I could switch to iTerm which is as pretty as terminal when choosing the same fonts and then adapting to get all alt combinations to work but this only worked for half of those 
  • There is also something that looked like the answer to my prayers: a hacked iTerm that has a (mac) normal right option key and a (linux/unix-like) normal left option key (aka alt) (or v.v.). Unfortunately my Umlauts then only work in vim and not in bash. I don't know where this is coming from and i don't know how to go about debugging this. 

BTW Terminator doesn't do any of this right so forget it. (UPDATE: MacWise as well)
I think I will go with 1.

What annoys me most is that in all Cocoa apps these shortcuts have identical meaning to term/bash but only the ones using the control work. Why?

If someone has a workaround please tell me.
My Requirements:
I like my umlauts on right alt + Key, I'd love emacs binding to work with the left alt and if possible i'd love them to work in every Cocoa app.

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